Shown below is a list of services and associated fee information. Prices are correct as at January 1, 2024. All prices include GST. Limited amount of discounted appointments in situations of demonstrated need. Please inquire.
Counselling Services
Individual sessions: $200 (60 minutes)
Couple or Family sessions: $250 (75 minutes)
1 day: $1200
3 day: $3500
Please note: we have a limited amount of reduced-fee appointments in situations of financial need
EFT Supervision: $150 Sixty minute supervision - may be online or in person.
Cancellation Policies
If you need to cancel or re-schedule please let me know (or reschedule via the links in the scheduling email) as soon as possible. If you give more notice than shown in the table below, then any money already paid will be applied against future appointments.
If less notice is given than shown below and the time cannot be filled, then the following fees will apply:
Session Type
Minimum Notice
Cancellation Fee
Regular sessions
48 hours
50% of full fee
14 days
50% of full fee
In the event of a no-show, the full fee will be charged.